Released on January 14, 2025, “Move” is a groundbreaking single from Nashville-based DJ and producer Logan Garrett, featuring genre-bending artist Anella. This electrifying track embodies the evolving sound of Music City, seamlessly blending country, electronica, and hip-hop elements.
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With its infectious disco influence and stutter house beats, “Move” is an irresistible dance floor track. Anella’s soothing vocals add a comforting layer, expertly navigating the intersection of country, pop, and rap. The result is a unique pop space that feels welcoming, smooth, and undeniably catchy.
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Logan Garrett’s production expertise shines throughout the track, showing his ability to craft a record that effortlessly bridges genre boundaries. Anella’s distinctive style and sound prove to be the perfect complement, elevating “Move” to new heights.
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