Family of man who died in police custody in Ho demands probe

The mourning relatives of a 26-year-old man, suspected to have died while in police custody in Ho, are calling for an investigation into the tragic incident.

The individual in question, Felix Azibodzi, who originated from Ziope in the Volta region, was allegedly apprehended by the police due to his involvement in a robbery case.

He was taken to the Volta regional police headquarters on Wednesday, August 9th, but unfortunately, he lost his life while in custody.

The family members conveyed that Felix left home in good health and spirits but never returned. The family only became aware of his demise two days later when officers from the Volta regional command visited and informed them of his arrest and subsequent death.

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The incident has provoked anger within his community, with the family accusing the police of being responsible for his death.

This occurrence has left the grieving families with numerous unanswered queries. According to the Azibodzi family, examinations of the body at the Ho Teaching Hospital morgue have revealed signs of physical mistreatment during his time in custody.

While the police administration in the region has not yet commented on the matter, sources from within the police force have refuted any allegations of wrongdoing on the part of the police.

Nonetheless, it has been confirmed that Felix was apprehended in relation to a car theft on the mentioned Wednesday but was found to be unwell the following day while still in custody.

Reportedly, he was taken to the hospital on Thursday, August 10th, for medical care, and it was there that he passed away.

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