Released on December 5, 2024, Extra Time’s single “It’s Time” is a thought-provoking commentary on the state of democracy and politics. This Australian jazz pop collective’s latest offering is a reflection on the limitations of Western democracies and the need for reform.
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The song’s message is clear: the system is rigged, and it’s time for change. With lyrics that reference the corrupting influence of party machines and the lack of real choice for voters, “It’s Time” is a rallying cry for those seeking genuine democracy.
Musically, “It’s Time” is a masterful blend of jazz, pop, and rock influences. The song’s thoughtful animation, courtesy of Brazilian videographer Gabriel Gareso, adds an extra layer of depth to the overall package.
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As part of Extra Time’s album Songs With Long Titles, “It’s Time” is a standout track that shows the band’s ability to craft catchy, meaningful songs. With its timely message and infectious melody,
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