Released on December 20, 2024, “Long Way from OK” is a hilarious and noticeable single by award-winning BMI singer-songwriter Jeff Scott Wood. This country-pop treasure is an out of the ordinary track that will leave a smile on your face.
The song’s origin story is as delightful as the song itself. Written during a flight to the Castle Songwriting Retreat in France, “Long Way from OK” was inspired by Jeff’s own fish-out-of-water encounter as a small-town Oklahoma boy rubbing shoulders with music legends like Peter Frampton and Keith Urban.
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The track tells the tale of a wide-eyed kid from Oklahoma maneuvering the fanciful scenery of Los Angeles. With its amusing lyrics and transmittable melody, “Long Way from OK” is an expert in storytelling. Jeff’s warm, engaging vocals bring the song’s humor and charm to life.
As a matured songwriter with a string of #1 hits under his belt, Jeff Scott Wood’s artfulness is on full display here. “Long Way from OK” is a testimony to his competence in crafting songs that connect with listeners from all walks of life.
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With its cross-genre intrigue and universal humor, “Long Way from OK” is a must-listen for fans of country, pop, and Americana music.
Looking for a song that will put a smile on your face?, look no further than “Long Way from OK.” This single is a lively addition to Jeff Scott Wood’s exciting song inventory.
Stream Below: