Released on October 17, 2024, “One Time” is a bewitching single by the proficient singer-songwriter Hanr. This warm-hearted track is a domineering confession of yearning and longing for a loved one.
It’s clear that “One Time” is something special from the beginning. The elements of the song blend coherently, creating a harmonious and enchanting atmosphere. Hanr’s smooth and charming voice takes center stage, delivering driving lyrics that communicate how deep her emotions are.
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The song’s touching lyric, “One time I want to see you,” is an indication to the general human experience of love and longing. Hanr’s ability to combine relatable and moving lyrics is a hallmark of her skill as a songwriter.
“One Time” is a stunning piece of music that not only expresses but also appreciates the beauty of love. With its contagious melody and Hanr’s deeply felt vocals, this track is sure to relate to listeners worldwide. The beat of the song drives listeners into dancing mood, and all along till the end.
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As a rising star in the music industry, Hanr is making waves with her distinctive fusion of Afrobeats, Amapiano, and R&B. With “One Time,” she seals her position as a talented and versatile artist to watch.
Look no further than “One Time” by Hanr if you are looking for a song that will touch your heart and soul.
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