A rapper who has had his chains surgically embedded into his head has boasted about being ‘the first rapper to have gold hair implanted in human history’.

Dan Sur, 23, ‘wanted to do something different’, which saw him opt to have hooks embedded into his skull, under his skin (no, we don’t want to think about this too much either) instead of getting his hair dyed.
The reggaeton rapper and producer now shows off his ‘golden hair’ to his almost two million social media followers on TikTok.
It appears he underwent the procedure in April, and since then his profile is littered with clips of him showing off his jaw-dropping headpiece, which has seen his following rocket up.

‘The truth is that I wanted to do something different because I see that everyone dyes their hair. I hope not everyone copies me now,’ Dan said in one of his videos.
Dan, we imagine you’re probably safe on that front.