Methodist pastor commits suicide after his adultery scandal was leaked on church Whatsapp group

A United Methodist Church Reverend has allegedly taken his own life following the exposure of his extramarital affair within the church’s WhatsApp group.

Reports from local news sources in Zimbabwe indicate that Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, who served as the Harare East District Superintendent, felt unable to bear the humiliation and reportedly committed suicide on Friday, October 20.

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He was said to be engaged in an illicit relationship with a female youth member of the UMC. Leaked WhatsApp audio recordings revealed secretive meetings between the District Superintendent and the church lady. He was also heard expressing his satisfaction with their encounter just before her menstrual cycle. Once the audio was shared within the church’s WhatsApp group, his fellow church members began mocking and circulating it to other groups. Some even created memes to ridicule the District Superintendent regarding the adultery scandal.

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Confirming the death of the cleric, UMC Harare District said in a statement; 

“It is with heavy heart to announce to you the untimely death of our Beloveth District Superintendent Rev Oscar Mukahanana of the Harare East District. The Office of the Bishop shall be informing the church of developments and funeral arrangements. As a church, you are being cordially requested to support the Mukahanana family through your prayers.”

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