Released on November 29, 2024, “A Thousand Christmas Trees” is a striking holiday single from Philadelphia-based duo The Divys. This dreamy jewel flawlessly blends the band’s signature New Wave sound with classic Christmas vibes, thereby transporting listeners back to the historic era of 1984.
Heavily influenced by Eurythmics, Culture Club, and Band-Aid, The Divys’ unique fusion of harder rock and electronic dance music backgrounds gleams throughout. The track’s energetic beat, perfectly balanced with endearing vocals, demands attention. DEVO, Billy Idol, and Heart’s inspirations are cautiously interlaced, refining the song’s retro charm.
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Recorded at Laundromat Studios in Philadelphia’s Olde City, “A Thousand Christmas Trees” features a live drummer’s expertise, conspicuously recorded from Portugal. This innovative approach shows The Divys’ experimental spirit.
In an era where indie artists rarely venture into Christmas music, The Divys’ original single is a refreshing addition to the holiday playlist. Their dedication to creating limitless sounds is obvious.
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Formed in 2004, The Divys (Kliffee and William) have built an applaudable collection, winning the 2006 John Lennon Songwriting Contest and securing placements in network TV, Xbox games, and Amazon Prime’s “Lazy Susan,” and continued the journey with “A Thousand Christmas Trees.”
“A Thousand Christmas Trees” is an irresistible holiday treat, blending yearning and moderness. The Divys’ distinctive sound makes this single a must-listen, perfect for fans of New Wave and Christmas classics.
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