‘Corruption killing Ghana; resist oppressor’s rule’: Ghanaians in UK chant in London version of #OccupyJulorbiHouse protest

A gathering of Ghanaians residing in the UK, brandishing signs, assembled at the Ghana High Commission in London on Friday, September 29, 2023, to express their dissatisfaction and frustration with the Akufo-Addo administration. They voiced their displeasure towards the government in Ghana for its management of the nation’s affairs.

One of the protesters, who addressed the crowd through a microphone, conveyed her annoyance. She mentioned that despite being from a family of New Patriotic Party members, she was troubled by the fact that a party she believed had let down the people was promoting a ‘breaking the 8’ slogan.

Some of the placards displayed messages like ‘Rise, Ghana Youth,’ ‘Corruption is eroding Ghana,’ and ‘Stand against oppressive governance,’ among others.

During the protest, one demonstrator shouted at High Commissioner Papa Owusu Ankomah as he was heading to his car, saying, “You should feel ashamed of yourself.”

Mr. Owusu Ankomah was caught on video smiling at the protesters while walking to his car, while another male protester requested, “Sir, please speak to us before you depart.”

The Accra version of the protest occurred from September 21 to 23, 2023.

A total of 49 protesters, along with a BBC reporter and his cameraman, were initially arrested but later released. The police set up barriers at the entrance to the Jubilee House to prevent the protesters from reaching the presidential seat.

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