Food Suppliers picketing begin cooking at Buffer Stock premises [Video]

The Food Suppliers Association members have shown their determination by continuing their protest at the premises of the National Food Buffer Stock Company. They have followed through on their promise to bring cooking utensils to the location, where they believe they are safer than at their own homes.

According to the National President, who spoke on Adom FM’s Burning Issues, despite the fact that they sleep without proper shelter and suffer from mosquito bites, they are not bothered by anyone, unlike in their homes where creditors constantly hound them.

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On Thursday, some protesters brought food items while others brought mortars and other kitchen supplies to assist in cooking boiled yam and tomato stew. A video shared on Twitter by Accra-based Metro TV showed the protesters cooking and engaging in lively conversations without seeming concerned.

The video also captured a middle-aged woman peeling yam, while others were busy preparing the stew. In response to the situation, the National Buffer Stock Company has acknowledged their indebtedness and announced that an emergency board meeting will be held with relevant stakeholders to address the issue.

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