It’s been 60 days, I’m still dancing – Agyinasare to Nogokpo chiefs

Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, the founder and leader of Perez Chapel International, has stated that despite facing a 14-day ultimatum and witnessing rituals performed against him by the chiefs and leaders of Nogokpo town, he remains alive and in good health. The pastor attributes this to his identity as a child of God, which makes him immune to curses or contamination.

Addressing his followers, Archbishop Agyinasare emphasized that he is unwilling to fulfill the requests made by the Nogokpo chiefs and community members. At the same time, he expressed his reluctance to bear the repercussions of this choice.

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“In Numbers 23:8, it says, ‘how shall I curse whom God has not cursed, how shall I defile whom the Lord has not defiled. If God has not cursed me, how dare you curse me? If God has not defiled me, as a child of God, when you defile me, there is trouble.

“When they invoke spirits against you, and make incantations against you, they are blessing you. When they say your life must be cut short, they are increasing your life. When they say harm and destruction must come to you, they are opening a portal of protection and favor.

“It is important to remember this and me, in this country, I am an example that if you are a child of God and they pour libation against you and they give you 14 days to live, after 60 days, you will still be dancing.”

According to him, “that history can never be erased because it was done publicly, all the TV stations took it, social media took it that ‘we will show Agyinasare in 14 days who controls the cosmic realm’ and after 60 days, we are still here.”

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“I am not going anywhere. I am not going now. It is not time for me to go yet, I have some more devils to cast out, some more sick to heal, some more people to empower, some more teachings to release,” he stressed.

The renowned man of God added that based on biblical principles, he is a fighter who enjoys a good fight since that is the characteristic of a good Christian.

“The Bible says we should fight a good fight of faith. We should fight. So you, if you don’t like fight, you can’t be a Christian.

“Me, I like fights because I am a child of God, and because since the days of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent takes it by force.

“I am one of those people that will not make the devil take what belongs to me. I have to collect everything that belongs to me in Jesus’ name,” he explained

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