Unidentified man found dead with gunshot wounds in Tuna

Law enforcement in Tuna, situated in the Sawla district of the Savannah region, have apprehended an unidentified deceased individual bearing gunshot wounds in Gbangbandori, a agricultural community along the Sawla-Wa highway.

According to witnesses who provided statements to the police, at approximately 4-5 am, they heard gunfire approximately three times, and the deceased was heard pleading for assistance in the Brifo language.

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Due to the alarming sound of gunshots, no one dared to come out to offer help.

In the morning, a group of young individuals went to the spot where the gunshots were heard, only to find a man who had succumbed to gunshot injuries.

Regrettably, they were unable to ascertain the man’s identity.

The police have placed the body in the mortuary at the Sawla District Government Hospital for identification.

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