WASS headmistress interdicted for allegedly collecting illegal fees

The Ghana Education Service (GES) has placed Dr. Mrs. Shine Agatha Ofori, the headmistress of West Africa Senior High School (WASS), on interdiction due to her unauthorized collection of money from students. This action was communicated in a press release signed and issued by Cassandra Twum Ampofo, Head of the Public Relations Unit, in Accra on Thursday, July 20, 2023.

“Management of GES has interdicted Dr. Mrs. Shine Agatha Ofori, Headmistress of West Africa SHS, for unauthorised collection of money from students. She is to hand over the administration of the school to the Regional Director of Education pending final determination of the case by the Regional Disciplinary Committee,” GES added in the press release.

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As a result of the interdiction, Dr. Mrs. Shine Agatha Ofori is required to hand over the school’s administration to the Regional Director of Education until the Regional Disciplinary Committee makes a final decision on the case. It is not the first time that the GES has taken such measures against the heads of second-cycle institutions in the country.

Earlier in 2023, the GES also interdicted Mr. Kenneth Agbomadzi, the headmaster of Fijai Senior High School in Sekondi, for allegedly imposing illegal fees on students. However, after an investigation committee cleared him of any wrongdoing, he was reinstated in May 2023.

A statement signed by the Director of Education, Western Region, Mrs. Felicia Agyeibea Okai, on May 8, said, “I have been directed by the Director-General to re-instate you effective May 8, 2023, based on the outcome of the Investigative Committee’s report on the alleged Collection of illegal Levies in the school. The Regional Director is to hand over the Administration of the School to you and accord you the necessary support for you to function effectively”.

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“GES Management directs that the Head, Teachers and Parents of the school should be made to understand that Ghana Education Service (GES) frowns on unauthorised collection of levies and takes every act of illegal collection of monies seriously,” GES warned in its statement.

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