My death was announced on Facebook while asleep at home – Sefa Kayi

Prominent Ghanaian media personality and host of Peace FM’s morning show, Kokrooko, Kwami Sefa Kayi, has described how his family and friends were deeply distressed upon hearing false reports of his death.

He revealed that he was peacefully asleep at home when someone decided to spread these unfounded claims on Facebook. The post caused widespread fear and panic, leading concerned loved ones to urgently contact his wife to verify his well-being.

“A couple of years ago, about two or three years ago I was sleeping at about 2 am when someone called wifey, when she picked up, the person asked my whereabouts and she said I was beside her. The person then said alright, I will call you back,” he said on Accra-based Peace FM.

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The post he said created fear and panic, causing loved ones to place calls to his wife just to make sure he was okay.

“My next-door neighbour had been told and he didn’t know whether to come home or not. So at dawn, he will intermittently come out and check whether there is any action going on in our compound and then go back after seeing nothing. He kept at it and couldn’t sleep till daybreak,” Sefa Kayi recounted.

He shared this incident in the context of discussions circulating about the passing of former President John Agyekum Kufuor. Last week and over the weekend, there were discussions about the former President’s health, which carried on into Monday and Tuesday.

However, his aide promptly dismissed the rumors and reassured everyone that the 84-year-old former President was in good health and doing well.

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