Police charge Henry Fitz, 2 others, over leakage of Serwaa Amihere’s intimate video

The state has yesterday, Monday, April 8, 2024, pressed charges against Henry Fitz and two others following a complaint of blackmail lodged by Serwaa Amihere.

The police say the three persons have conspired to commit the crimes of non-consensual publication of Serwaa’s intimate images as well as cyberbullying her.

The two other accused persons have been identified as Edem Saviour Ketti, a filmmaker and Candylove Kwakyewaa Ababio, a trader.

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Per the suit, they are accused of acting together to initially coerce her to pay some money to prevent them from publishing her nude video which featured the third accused, Henry Fitz.

The second offence was the distribution of prohibited visual recordings of Serwaa Amihere without her consent on social media.

The suit detailed that the accused made their first monetary demands of GHS 5,000 on December 3, 2024, which was allegedly channeled through the complaint’s makeup artiste.

The second demand allegedly was a sum of GHS 20,000, which she allegedly paid, yet the accused persons went ahead to publish the intimate video.

The suit further states that per the complaint with the police, and upon surveillance mounted, the first accused was arrested at his hideout at Dzorwulu.

Also Read: I have more than 20 bedroom videos of Serwaa Amihere on my phone & if I wanted to leak videos I wouldn’t leak this particular one-Henry Fitz(Watch Video)

During investigations, he allegedly admitted to having used his Ghana Card to register the said mobile money account number and handed it to the second accused, before it was thereon handed to the third accused.

Meanwhile, efforts are underway to apprehend Henry Fitz, who is currently at large, as investigations continue.

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