Why keep such amount at home if it is legitimate cash? – Prof Antwi questions Cecilia Dapaah

Professor Enoch Opoku Antwi, an expert in Governance and Leadership, has expressed bewilderment at the idea of someone keeping a substantial amount of money at home, similar to what Sanitation Minister Cecilia Dapaah allegedly stored in her residence.

He questioned the rationale behind keeping such a significant sum at home, even if the money was acquired legitimately. According to Prof. Antwi, whether in a private or public enterprise, it is highly inappropriate to store such large amounts of money at home, as done by Minister Cecilia Dapaah.

Prof. Antwi emphasized that keeping such a huge amount of money at home not only raises concerns about the safety of the person involved but also poses a danger to the lives of their family members residing in the same house.

“Whether private or public you cannot keep it at home,” he said on the Key Points on TV3 Saturday, July 22.

Also Read: Sanitation Minister breaks silence on US$1m, €300,000, millions of cedis saga

He added “You put your entire household in danger. If the money is not legitimate that is when people will keep it in the house and we need to investigate the source of the money.”

The expert called on the Minister to step aside from her position to allow for proper investigations to take place regarding the matter.

In a statement, she said said “There are noticeable inconsistencies between what is being discussed in the public domain and the thrust of the original complaint on the matter.

“I am taking steps to examine the origins of the inconsistencies and will provide a detailed response in the coming days.”

Also Read:Social media users react to Cecilia Dapaah’s househelps ‘stealing’ $1m, €300k & millions of Cedis from her bedroom

In her statement, Minister Dapaah noted the existence of noticeable discrepancies between public discussions and the actual complaint filed on the issue. The allegations against her suggest that she had kept $1 million, €300,000, and millions of undisclosed Ghanaian Cedis in her home, and these funds were reportedly stolen by two house helps who are currently facing trial at an Accra Circuit Court.

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